Relationship & the Dimensions of Self Love

A 4,5 h course recorded two evenings online with Svagito, April 12th and 13th 2023. 

Get access for 60 days!

In our relationships we are looking for love, because only when we experience love our life can have meaning and significance. But only a person who can also love himself or herself is capable of loving others and can be in a relationship without being destroyed by it.

Because of a life-long conditioning about love, we often carry false beliefs about what love is and as a consequence experience pain and suffering. In this class we will address those wrong ideas and beliefs and learn to let them go. We re-connect with the innocent self-love and beauty we once had as a child and look at our friends, partners family members and at the whole of life with fresh eyes. 

We also learn in what way we can help a client to find this inner source of love within.


Practical information:

  • You get access to the recording for 60 days in a private platform. You have to respect the privacy and not mention what was shared in the group or share access to the recording.  
  • The first time you sign up for an online course with us, your Kajabi account is created and you choose the password that helps you access the platform with the recording after the live online event.


If you have any questions, welcome to contact: [email protected]

€110,00 EUR

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I agree to honor the privacy of all participants by not cross-talking about the questions asked or personal information shared in the class.

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