Online masterclasses with Svagito: join live or watch the videos!

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Meet Svagito live online

Get input, ask questions and get inspiration for your life and work!

Svagito Liebermeister shares his skills and extensive professional experience with us in these masterclasses. Always with a practical approach, he conveys important principles of the art of working with people from a space of meditative presence.

You are welcome to ask questions live in the masterclasses and also by email.

Current offers:

Below, you find first scheduled upcoming LIVE online masterclasses with Svagito (if there are any), then the recorded ones that you can purchase and watch right away!

Welcome to classes recorded live online with Svagito

Applying Systemic Principles in Working with People

Recorded class #1

A systemic view helps us to understand that we are not islands, but connected to a collective field, a so called ’knowing field’ that influences our decisions and actions. The closest and most obvious is the field of a family.

Everyone who works with people should be aware how clients as well as the facilitator himself are influenced by such a field.

In this class Svagito summarizes the most important systemic principles and demonstrates how this knowledge can give a wider understanding of an individual client or of a group process.

Knowing this helps you find an effective intervention when working in the area of psychotherapy, social work, education or business.

Systemic constellation work (family constellation) is what Svagito is most known for. This class will show you something about his unique approach and deep understanding of this work and its transformative power.

Price: 50 Euro. 

A 3-in-one-package is also available below for a reduced price.

Recorded live online Jan. 18th 2020.

Get instant access to the recording of this class!

Mindfulness Practice in Working with People

Recorded class #2

Awareness is the greatest agent for inner transformation. Developing and supporting embodied meditative presence is fundamental in Svagito‘s way of working with people. The area where therapy meets meditation is his area of expertise.

In this class, Svagito shares:

  • Practical steps one can take to find meditative presence in oneself, and how to recognize and support such states in a client.
  • Communication skills that support self awareness and makes it possible to shift focus from mind to being.
  • How essentially inner transformation occurs and how to create the right milieu for it.
Practical examples from the work with clients gives us an understanding of the laws of the inner world and what helps people to make a real shift.
Price: 50 Euro.  
A 3-in-one-package is also available below for a reduced price.
Recorded live online Feb. 20th 2020.
Get instant access to the recording of this class!

Principles of Trauma Healing in Therapy 

Recorded class #3

In this masterclass Svagito will explains how to recognize trauma states, how it affects our mind and body and what supports healing.

It is essential for anyone working with people to have an understanding how to treat a person dealing with trauma or post traumatic stress and avoid re-traumatization.

Trauma is an experience where a person’s inner mechanism to respond to a potentially life threating situation is overwhelmed and he is unable to discharge the mobilized energy, which leads to symptoms of post traumtic stress.

Learn about how to help a disregulated nervous system to come back to its natural state of self-regulation. Svagito gives some practical examples and teach a few specific, useful techniques and strategies.

Price: 50 Euro. 

A 3-in-one-package is also available below for a reduced price.

Recorded live online March 19th 2020.

Get instant access to the recording of this class!

Get the first three masterclasses of 2020 at a reduced price!

Get three recorded live masterclasses (access for 30 days from purchase).

  • Applying Systemic Principles in Working with People
  • Mindfulness Practice in Working with People
  • Principles of Trauma Healing in Theraphy

Watch these three classes and pay only 120 euro for all (30 euro discount)! Instant access!

Get the special offer here!

When Life Stops – Trauma, Bonding and Family Constellation

3 h course recorded live online with Svagito!

In this course we gain a basic understanding of what personal and collective trauma is and what serves trauma healing. We learn how to recognize trauma and to distinguish it from only painful experiences. 

The short sessions included in the course give us practical examples and new learning, regardless of our previous experience. 

Read more and get access e

A 6 h recorded class:

Combining a systemic and a somatic understanding when dealing with trauma states

Svagito demonstrates how a combination of working with the body AND understanding how we are influenced by a collective field are both necessary for finding healing and a new orientation that is not only a temporary relief.

This workshop, recorded live online in October, is for people who want to heal personal challenges or traumas and also for those interested in learning to be more effective when working with clients.

Price: 120 Euro.

Get access to the recorded class here!


A Systemic Approach in Dealing with Adversities

In this masterclass Svagito demonstrates how to work indvidually with the systemic approach online by giving short sessions and answering questions.

The class can be helpful for experienced facilitators and newcomers alike. 

Price: 50 Euro. 

Read more & get it here!


The Systemic Approach in Dealing with Illnesses and Symptoms

In this masterclass, Svagito shows how to work indvidually with the systemic approach online by giving demonstrations and answering questions. We will especially look at how to work with and explore topics related to psychological / physical symptoms and illnesses.

Price: 50 Euro.

Read more & get it here!

For your information

Only the people who spoke in the masterclasses appear in the recording. They were all informed of this and agreed to it.

Everyone purchasing a masterclass recording likewise have to agree to respect the privacy of everyone’s sharing, not cross-talk about it nor, of course, share access to the recording.

Participate from home

  • Learn about this way of working with people, without having to travel!
  • Be part of Q&A-sessions. If you miss the call, you can subit a question beforehand and watch the recording after. If you purchase a recorded class, you are also welcome to email questions.
  • Stay connected – to yourself and your practice, but also to Svagito and others on the path. A private Facebook group for students is available.

Frequently Asked Questions

- You are welcome to join/watch the masterclasses if you are interested in how to support inner transformation in yourself and others, through knowledge of systemic principles, mindfulness practice and trauma healing. 

If you are new to Svagito's work, this is a good opportunity to get aquainted with it!

If you have studied with Svagito already, this is a possibility to to reconnect with the work and ask your questions from back home as they arise in your work and life! You can get supervision this way, or ask personal questions related to your own life and growth.

- Yes. Everyone who paid and registered for a masterclass get access to the recording of it. Also people who couldn't make the live call. The recording is available for 30 days following the live class (or 30 days from purchase if the live event has already taken place.) 

The masterclasses last 60 - 90 minutes, depending on the amount of questions etc.

Please also note that we ask you to login five minutes before the start of a meeting. 

- It is true we cannot guarantee that all questions will be answered. But our experience is that many benefit from the same answer, so chances are you will still benefit from the masterclass! 

You are welcome to submit your question by email before the class, but you can also write afterwards if there is something you would like Svagito's clarification on. 

- Yes! Once you have joined a live online meditation meeting or online class with Svagito, you are on our email list and we will keep you posted.

You can also join the Facebook group "Online Teachings & Meetings with Svagito" to stay informed, or opt-in below.

Get our news

We are happy you found your way here! If you want to hear from us when there are new offers, courses or online sessions with Svagito Liebermeister, please join our email list. (This is not Svagito's regular list but a new one.)

We will keep your information private and you can opt-out any time.

Stay updated

We are happy to hear from you!


Please let us know if you have any questions, suggestions or needs when it comes to learning online with Svagito.

Candra Karlholm is organizing the masterclasses and you are welcome to contact her: [email protected].

For more information about Svagito's work and live trainings, please visit

The artwork in the header of this page and the ones inside the course platform are by Meera Hashimoto. Svagito has founded Meera Art Foundation which aims to preserve her art for future generations and to make her work available through exhibitions all over the world. 



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