LIVE Online Teachings with Svagito Liebermeister

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Learn how to support inner transformation, in yourself and others

Meet the founder of The Zen Way of Counseling, internationally renowned psychotherapist and spiritual teacher Svagito Liebermeister directly, LIVE, from wherever you are!



Welcome to a NEW LIVE online course: Healing the Wound of Unworthiness and Shame

Here Svagito and Candra talk about the upcoming three evening course April 20th - 21st and May 20th, 2024. Click the button below the video to know more and sign up! In this three-evening online workshop we will address feelings of unworthiness and shame that many of us carry. We will explore the origins of these emotions – and what serves healing.


Sign up now and see you in the course!


"Svagito is a master therapist and teacher. He is very skilled in finding the keys that can help us open more to being, to heart, to presence. He has a detailed understanding of the human psyche, mind and heart. I warmly recommend his work."

KĂĄre Landfald
Founder of Zen Coaching International, Norway

"Svagito is one of the most effective teachers and therapists I have ever met in my life. So direct, compassionate and no-nonsense! He has an incredible ability to teach and to touch people. "

Lucie van Leeuwen
Yoga teacher and coach, the Netherlands

"Svagito’s presence and long professional experience makes him an exceptional teacher and therapist. The combination that he is both a psychologist and a meditator,makes his work unique - beyond psychology. Svagito’s work have given me tools that I can use both in my business life, my workshops and in individual sessions. I truly believe that his work can be beneficial to anyone. "

Elena Gjetanger
Global Key Account Manager, coach and therapist, Norway

These are the ways to learn online with Svagito:

FREE LIVE online meditation and meetings


Join FREE LIVE meditation meetings with Svagito and friends from all over the world! Svagito guides a meditation and afterwards there is time to share, ask questions and connect. Meetings are about 1 h.

Register (for each separate event) to get a confirmation email with your personal link and passcode to join the meeting. 

Interpretation to Turkish, Japanese and Spanish is available in separate audio channels.

Everyone is welcome!

There is an archive with all of the recorded meditations from previous meetings + teaching videos of Svagito's. Read more here!

Online Masterclasses in the Art of Working with People

Recorded masterclasses are available. Get immediate access!

These classes are LIVE online meetings with Svagito that are also recorded and can be watched for 30 days after. If you join a masterclass LIVE, you can ask questions there or email before. Svagito shares his skills and extensive professional experience.

Always with a practical approach, he demonstrates and conveys important principles of the art of working with people from a space of meditative presence. 

Click the button below to read more about ALL masterclasses: upcoming LIVE online ones (when there are any scheduled) as well as recorded ones!

ALL masterclasses here!

LIVE Online Workshops with Svagito

Welcome to join the coming LIVE online workshops!

Svagito sometimes offers live online workshops. Each has a different topic, like "work and creativity", "the male and female polarity" "family constellation and trauma healing" and so on. Participants get to explore issues related to the theme in live sessions with Svagito, partner exercises and guided meditations.

If you join a workshop you get access to the recording of the workshop afterwards for 60 days.

Spotlighted offers

For more current offers, please visit the masterclass page.

Creativity and Authentic Self Expression

  • Explore how to support yourself, and sometimes others, in the search for meaning and purpose in life.

  • Learn how to re-connect with your inner guide and deeper knowing.

  • Svagito responds to personal questions and uses different modalities, including Family Constellation and Male-Female energy work, to help participants overcome blocks and fears about their true self expression and joy. 


Read more and get it here!

Guided meditations and online teaching archive now available!

We have gathered the recordings of the online Sunday meditations by Svagito and made them available in a portal for anyone who want to explore more on their own with Svagito's guidance. 

Sign up now and get a FULL YEAR of access to everything we add to this site the coming 12 months for a one time payment of 95 euro! 

You get downloadable, yours-to-keep audio files of all the meditations and videos that you can watch in the platform (also available in the Kajabi app.)

Read more & sign up here!

Relationship and the Dimensions of Self Love,

A 4,5 h recorded online course with Svagito and an international group of participantc.

  • Get insights on how to build and maintain healthy relationships with yourself and others.
  • Understand the importance of self love and how to access – and help someone else access – this source of love within.
  • Explore your personal question and get guidance from Svagito in the LIVE online class, or learn from other participants' short sessions.
Read more and get it here!

When Life Stops – Trauma, Bonding and Family Constellation

3 h course recorded live online with Svagito!

In this course we gain a basic understanding of what personal and collective trauma is and what serves trauma healing. We learn how to recognize trauma and to distinguish it from only painful experiences. 

The short sessions included in the course give us practical examples and new learning, regardless of our previous experience. 

Get access to the course here

Recorded class:

Beyond guilt and shame: a somatic and systemic approach to find joy and self-esteem!

Straight to info and purchase here!

A 6 h recorded class:

Combining a systemic and a somatic understanding when dealing with trauma states

Svagito demonstrates how a combination of working with the body AND understanding how we are influenced by a collective field are both necessary for finding healing and a new orientation that is not only a temporary relief.

This workshop is for people who want to heal personal challenges or traumas and also for those interested in learning to be more effective when working with clients.

Price: 120 Euro.

Read more and get access here!

Meet Svagito live online:

Online teachings and individual sessions

Get input, ask questions and get inspiration for your life and work

Demonstrating how real help is effortless and without intention, Svagito teaches how one can connect to a deeper truth within oneself, leading out of the identification with mind into a state of relaxation and alertness.

In the masterclasses, he demonstrates how to support inner transformation and growth in oneself and others.

Svagito also offers individual sessions online. Price: 120 Euro / hour. Send an email if you are interested: [email protected].

Read more about Svagito Liebermeister here

Individual Sessions with Candra

Candra Karlholm is the organizer of the Online Teachings with Svagito. She has trained with him extensively since 2015.

Candra offers family constellation and individual counseling sessions online. Price: 85 Euro / hour. 

Contact her for more info: [email protected].

Participate from home

  • Learn with Svagito without having to travel!
  • Stay connected – to yourself and your practice, but also to Svagito and others on the path. A private Facebook group is available for all who want to stay in touch.


Get our news!

We are happy you found your way here! If you want to stay informed about new offers from Online Teachings with Svagito, please join our email list. (This is not Svagito's regular list but a new one.) Candra Karlholm who is organizing the events online will keep you posted.

We will keep your information private and you can opt-out any time.

Svagito speaks of life, love and death

When Svagito visited Stockholm in September 2019, Candra interviewed him about his work.

Books by Svagito Liebermeister

"When Life Stops – Trauma, Bonding and Family Constellation", "The Zen Way of Counseling", "The Roots of Love" and "Osho Therapy". Click on the image to find the book on You can also order through the author, please email: [email protected].

The artwork in the header of this page and the ones inside the course platform are by Meera Hashimoto. Svagito has founded Meera Art Foundation which aims to preserve her art for future generations and to make her work available through exhibitions all over the world. 


Two Step

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